Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

Cairo Egypt Hotels

Marriott Elzamalek like we callin it in Egyptian language is one of the most beautiful places in Cairo, also one of the largest hotels in middle east (1.089) rooms!! originally it was a palace built in 1869, on order from Kedeiv Ismael the ruler of Egypt in that time,he asked the architects to make it resemble another palace in France, Versailles where empress Eugine used to stay..the purpose of that palace is to invite the empress Eugine with her husband the emperor Napoleon and the occasion of the invitation was the opening of the Suez canal which was a huge project and they make a party from the biggest parties which had been done in history. the best think i like about that place that once you entered you feel like you go back in time, its old and classy and dreamy...you canot come to Cairo without at least take a dinner there one time :)

Cairo Egypt Hotel

Cairo Egypt Hotel

Cairo Egypt Hotel

Cairo Egypt Hotel

Cairo Egypt Hotel

Cairo Egypt Hotel

Cairo Egypt Hotel

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